We've finally created a travel forum for you to get together for rides
to and from Sa Terza Metari! Search for or offer carpools here:
When you book your tickets for your journey, keep in mind that it is usually better to arrive on the island during day time and not at night!
Bus and train services are sometimes scarce and only provided throughout the day,
often only until afternoon! In case you arrive late, we suggest you spend your
first nightin a hostel and join us the day after.
We suggest searching for transfer flight connections, as they are much cheaper
than nonstop flights.
Search flights with RyanAir or Volotea and get a little creative on where to transfer.
There are flights transferring in Milan, Rome, Venice, Pisa and even in France.
Take the time to look for all possible connections separately, it's worth it ;)
Check timetables for trains with Trenitalia.
To catch the last bus from Oristano to STM, you'll need to be
in Oristano no later than 7 pm.
Otherwise see our travel forum to find others to share taxis with.
The Sardinian transurban buslines ARST has all their timetables uploaded in Google Maps.
From Oristano, Linea 703 will get you to STM.
Be sure to tell the bus driver that you’d like to hop off at ‘Is Arenas’!
From Alghero to STM, you can choose a bus with Logudoro Tours S.R.L.
from the airport to Oristano, or a local bus to Bosa.
Strada Statale 292 km 109,400 Località Is Arenas,
09070 Narbolia OR, Sardinia